23 XI 2022: How is Marjorie Taylor Greene a “true blood”?

MTG, as she is known by her intimates, invited another perennial liar, Juanita, to her house, saying: “We will call our gathering ‘Pure Bloods and Politics.” There has been some disturbance on the internet about her use of the expression “pure bloods” because it recalls preoccupations with the racial purity that is required for white supremacy. Her use of these words troubles me for other reasons also:

I assume MTG knows that she is a “pure blood” because other white supremacists have told her so or as a result of her test with Ancestry. But how can we be sure of this, and how does she know that Juanita is “pure blood”? Some fact-checking is in order here. We need to see the results of MTG’s Ancestry test or her KKK certificate, and Juanita must take that test or provide some equivalent proof of her “pure blood” bona fides.

Or did MTG mean “pure Bloods,” claiming that she and her pal Juanita are full-fledged members of the celebrated gang? That would be a truly historic achievement for Republican women.