28 III 2020: And a little child shall lead them???

I am reading more about the petty and perilous behavior of Trump and his gang in the midst of the pandemic. He is compelled to “get even” with anyone at all who offends or, especially, criticizes him. At least that is suggested by his denunciation and attempted freezing out of any who do not “appreciate” him and his efforts to control the virus. Of course, “appreciate” really means “praise me to the skies and don’t mention my screw-ups.” This sort of childish behavior of Trump’s is not new, though lately it has been exaggerated, probably because of the acceleration of his mental decay. Can anyone imagine a worse situation than our country facing the greatest crisis in living memory with a mentally ill little boy as president?

I am surprised that I have not read about any of Trump’s evangelical witch doctors pronouncing that the corona virus crisis is God’s punishment of the United States for allowing gay marriage and equality for women, etc. For my part, I do not see the enormity of the CV plague as a divine punishment of the U.S. for electing a notorious public sinner, but it surely is the consequence of electing a deranged incompetent.