19 IX 2020: The search for a replacement

Justice Ginsberg’s body was not yet cold before McConnell and Trump began moving to replace her. They know they have to move fast, to get some retrograde jurist, any retrograde jurist, appointed and confirmed before the election, or at least before King Trump leaves office. Of course, they will have to pretend that this situation is wholly, altogether, and completely different from that which followed Justice Scalia’s death. We may have to wait and see if all the Republican senators as ethically challenged as McConnell and willing to support a rightist takeover of the Supreme Court. Trump, of course, is totus corruptus, the complete crook, and would appoint a horse to the Court if he thought it would get him votes. If a McConnell-Trump coup should succeed in placing another reactionary in the Supreme Court, that could be the final nail in the coffin of the United States. If the Court becomes an unembarrassed tool of the right wing, red states will become redder still and blue states will take on a deeper blue, because a Supreme Court gone bad would set in motion a migration from red states to that would eventually lead to the breakup of the United States.