14 V 2019: Sorry, Herr Eichmann, the cattle cars are all full.

The news reports a scheme by that little shit Stephen Miller to round up some 10,000 immigrants in ten different American cities in a blitz of ethnic cleansing. The only obstacle to execution of his scheme was the hesitation of top D.H.S. officials whom Trump immediately fired as being too weak, though it seems that their objection was that the immigration police and concentration camps could not accommodate so many prisoners at this time.

What is the basis of Miller’s persecution of immigrants? Is it the fact that they are breaking the law? I doubt he cares any more about the law than Trump. Does he believe, with Laura Ingraham, that immigrants are a threat to white supremacy, and that the U.S. must be cleansed of these inferior people? Or has he taken such a hardline about immigration merely to show his gratitude to the crypto-white-supremacists who have been his sponsors and patrons? Whatever his motive, he clearly believes that you cannot make an omelet without breaking up families.