28 XI 2019: Bone Spurs serves up turkey

I read about Trump’s secret flight to Afghanistan. For a nanosecond I hoped that Trump had decided to run for it. But no. Our Commander-in-Chief wasted a lot of our money flying to Afghanistan secretly for Turkey Day. His trip was so secret that even Trump refrained from tooting and tweeting for 36 hours — I suppose they took away his phone — though some pre-recorded tweets were aired to avoid suspicion. It was so secret that he took the deputy White House press secretary with him. So secret that reporters traveling with the President — how? at whose expense?? Anyway, it was so secret that reporters who somehow got to Afghanistan were allowed to report the visit only moments before Trump’s return flight. 

He hinted that he’s working on a deal for peace with the Taliban. Has he decided to give the Taliban a carte blanche just as he did for Erdogan?  But it was not peace Trump was looking for in Afghanistan, but photo-ops. I think this trip was really about Trump playing generalissimo, serving turkey, and having photos taken for distribution to the BaSe.