27 II 2019: “It’s beginning to look a lot like Watergate, everywhere you go”

Current developments in the Trump case remind me of two features of the Watergate investigations: 1) initial stonewalling made it like pulling teeth to obtain the evidence of Nixon’s misdeeds, but eventually the evidence came in a  gush and 2) the Republicans now are as vociferous and hypocritical as the Republcans at the time of Watergate.

How about the histrionics today from some Republicans on the Committee? Self-righteous sinners denouncing a fellow sinner whose offenses are probably much less severe than their own! And they really should sign up for some acting lessons because they surely flopped in today’s opera.

And how about “Matt the Mouth” Gaetz? His assertions of innocence with attached apology is insignificant. I apologize has become D.C. talk for “I’m sorry that you caught me.” His tweet makes it clear that he was trying to intimidate a witness.