28 V 2021: Republican mafia doesn’t want to be investigated.

Well, the attempt to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the Siege of the United States Capitol on Jan 6 has failed. It was doomed from the start. Asking Senate Republicans if they want the Insurrection to be investigated is like asking the Corleone Family if they want an investigation of their Don and the rest of the gang.

What do the Republicans have to hide? Quite a lot. Blocking the bipartisan investigation is far more than routine Republican refusal to cooperate. This is a virtual obstruction of justice, and reveals Republicans’ intense fear that their Boss and Republicans in Congress will turn out to have been very much implicated in the attack on the Capitol. 

Comparison of the Republican Party to the Mafia is altogether fitting, for the G.O.P. of today is a gang whose only goal is to hang on to their territory so that they can continue to scam and rob the public and protect the rich. Earlier, it looked like they would resort to anything short of violence to hold on to power. But then Trump, with the connivance of Republicans in the administration and in Congress, attempted a violent rebellion. And now, moving on, some shameless Republicans and unhinged members of the G.O.P. are talking up “armed rebellion” to the suckers that listen to them.

It is time now for a hard look at Section 2385 in Title 18 of the U.S. Code, the Section that forbids and punishes advocating “overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States.”