15 VII 2019: Furriners, commies, and non-disclosure agreements.

President Trump has sunk to a new level of scurrility in his tweet about the four congresswomen. His “Why don’t they go back to where they come from?” is the time-worn shout of ignorant xenophobes, with all the implied claim to ownership of America and terror of valid criticisms that it suggests.

Lindsay Graham has sunk so low he needs a bathysphere. He appeared on “Fox and Friends,” that potting soil of deceit, and called the four congresswomen “a bunch of communists.” This is, of course, an appeal to the Trump-base, people who don’t know the difference between communist and bigamist, but feel that both sound pretty bad. “Communist” is too extreme a term for the four congresswomen. Their decidedly left-wing views do not make them communists any more than the Republicans’ love of tax cuts for the rich makes them thieves.

We’re learning more details about Jeffrey Epstein and his life of sheltered vice. It seems all his employees had to swear in writing that they would never speak about Epstein publicly. This struck me as rather like the non-disclosure agreements which have sheltered the real Trump.