6 XI 2020: Gas on the surface of the swamp water

Sometime presidential adviser Steve Bannon has shown, if not his true colors, at least his true propensity. He is as uncivilized as the Islamic Nation who probably gave him the idea of beheading the two honest members of the administration. Bannon feels that all civil servants should “get with the program,” making clear his assumption that members of the civil service are servants of the President and not employees of the American people.

Bannon is too recognizable (he does love publicity!) to take part in attacks by the Thrugs,* for as in a bog, so also in the bad-boy right wing the more malodorous material rises to the top. I’m sure he is frustrated and disappointed that he cannot get out there to bash, burn, and have a good old Brown-Shirt fling. 

*Thrugs = Trump thugs