11 VI 2018: Trumpie über alles!

Well the G7 Conference has been a confusing, troubling business, but a news photo has helped me understand it.

This is a photo of the G7 leaders on one side of a table looking down on Trumpie flashing his sulky glare from the other side, attended by his Cookieduster. There we have all the other kids on the playground confronting Little Donnie who is supported only by Johnny Bolton, a kid so unpopular that only Trump will have anything to do with him. Trump is in his glory.

Disapproval, contempt, tragic consequences for those who depend on him count for nothing whatever compared to all this attention. Trumpie is shown basking in the G6’s loathing. But come on, attention is attention. He is refusing to play with the wholesome kids and has further annoyed them by publicly kissing the ass of the main bully on the playground, his boyfriend, Vladie.