3 VI 2002: Does Trump want to start a war??

This question has occurred to me several times in the last few days. He might want to start a civil war, any war, because he is a son of Satan who will do anything to be re-elected. Why? Because not to be re-elected would be an unendurable rebuke that would strip him of his immunity and disclose a lifetime of embarrassing secrets.

What has war to do with it? Well, there is a naive tendency to refrain from criticism of even bad government in time of war. That might mute his critics. Then, war is big news and would be a distraction from the malfeasance and foolishness of Trump’s government. Moreover, if there is a war, it would be much easier for the Trumps to postpone, perhaps permanently, the next election, and we might have Emperor Donald the First.

I fear I see another connection between Trump and the satanic. 

I believe that President Trump, a compulsive and resourceful liar, would not hesitate to shed the blood of soldiers, demonstrators, and corona virus patients to hang on to the presidency. Jesus calls the Devil “a liar and the father of lies.” That is in John 8:44, just after He has said that Satan “was a murderer from the beginning.” Deceit and murder are not necessarily associated, at least not in the day to day lives of ordinary people. But when a desperate megalomaniac plays on the greater stage of political life, deceit and murder too often go hand in hand.