25 II 2023: Another sleaze seeking attention 

We have heard from a Rep. Lance Gooden from Texas who is accusing his fellow representative Judy Chu of disloyalty to the U.S. and collusion with Communist China because of her defense of a Biden appointee.

Good Ole Lance is quoted as follows: “Gooden said in the interview, “I think that Judy Chu needs to be called out. … I question her either loyalty or competence. If she doesn’t realize what’s going on, then she’s totally out of touch with one of her core constituencies,” he said. “I’m really disappointed and shocked that someone like Judy Chu would have a security clearance and entitled to confidential intelligence briefings until this is figured out.”

“He’ll huff and he’ll puff ….” He says “Judy Chu needs to be called out,” but what he is really saying is “I need some attention paid to me, so I’ll do what the rest of the Republicans are doing and claim there is scandal where there is none.” He says he is “really disappointed and shocked that someone like Judy Chu ….” Is he “really” disappointed and shocked or isn’t he imitating the theatrical indignation of other Republican wannabe muckrakers? And I’ve got to wonder if a Republican congressman from Texas can really be disappointed or shocked by anything at all?