24 VI 2023: What is Lauren Boebert doing in Washington?

Lauren Boebert told Sean Hannity: “Sean, I did not put my life on pause and leave my four boys and my now grandson to come here and just get in spats with people,” and she said “Marjorie is not my enemy.”

There are a couple of falsehoods in her statement. Ms Boebert came to D.C. for the very purpose of getting into spats with people. Getting into spats is what she does best. She enjoys spats. And spats get her a lot of attention, Lauren’s raison d’être.

For that reason Marjorie is her enemy, for Marjorie is the other Republican bimbo on the make. And Marjorie is a challenge. She is smarter and more articulate than Lauren, and her blonde hair gives her a great advantage.

I think Lauren should give up this fight she cannot win, go home to Colorado, and figure out why her 17-year-old son impregnated a girl. Her other boys probably require some attention as well.