6 XI 2022: Where is the courage we need?

The people who are supposed to be protecting our government are afraid to defend us. I have reached this conclusion as I see the fomenters and leaders of the sedition getting off scot-free. Unprecedented to put an ex-president on trial, harumph, harumph. Can’t prosecute people in office. Can’t prosecute people running for office. Can neither punish nor remove from public life any seditionist who will be patient enough, for they know America so easily forgets.

Rudyard Kipling asked:

Shall we only threaten and be angry for an hour?

   When the storm has ended shall we find

How softly but how swiftly they have sidled back to power

   By the favor and contrivance of their kind?

We must act now. Trump and all of the Big Liars are neither heroes nor buffoons. They are dangerous criminals who are well on their way to going unpunished.