17 X 2022: Victimology

Marjorie Taylor Green is claiming that she was a victim of the Jan 6th Insurrection. If MTG is a victim at all, she is victim of her own ambition and stupidity.

No doubt she learned to play the victim card from Donald Trump whose current complaint is that he is a victim of Jewish ingratitude. MTG is going through a divorce and will be free to marry Trump when Melania can’t stand him any longer, unless Ron Johnson gets to her first.

Ron Johnson is another GOP victim. He asserts that he was laughed at during a debate at Marquette University by some students who were “let in” to the audience. The students, he claims, are “being taught leftist propaganda,” and this explains their laughter at his claim to have been a victim of an FBI plot. No, Johnson is, as always, the victim of his own unfailing stupidity.