23 VII 2018: Hand me the disinfectant!

Today I received a text message from Rep. Devin Nunes urging me to get behind “Our President and conservative majority.” What have I done? Why should the despicable Nunes reach out to me? Oh, I know. Some time ago, when Nunes was blathering about impeaching Rod Rosenstein, I sent Nunes an email in which I expressed my conviction that it was he, Nunes, that ought to be impeached, and thus my email address got into his listserve. Rep. Nunes’ behavior since that time has only strengthened my conviction. He is a thoroughgoing Trumpite, an opportunist, and died-in-the-wool sycophant, who finds the truth so awkward that he has to make up lies and conspiracies. I guess I’ll have to soak my iphone in disinfectant overnight.