14 XI 2019: Who should speak up for Trump?

There was a political cartoon in today’s Post-Dispatch by Dave Graunland that showed Devin Nunes submitting four “character witnesses” in support of Trump. They are: Kum Yong Un, Vladimir Putin, Prince MbS, and Rodrigo Duterte, rulers that Trump keeps trying to emulate. But I think these four are too far separated from Trump’s milieu and do not know him personally. I would prefer a list of character witnesses who know Trump well and have shown that they share his values. Such a list would include Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Ryan Zinke, David Miller, Wilbur Ross, Andy Puzder, Alex Acosta, Tom Price, Rick Perry, David Shulkin, Scott Pruitt, and we might as well throw in Donny Junior and Jervanka. Of course, that all of the Republican members of Congress fit into this category and would rush to affirm our President’s sterling character goes without saying.