28 II 2019: Post-disgrace Depression

Rep. James Jordan and Rep. Mark Meadows, members of the “Freedom Circus,” are trying to atone for their disappointing performances at the Cohen hearing by crying “perjury” and calling out the F.B.I. after Cohen.  These congressmen are among Pres. Trump’s warmest supporters and thus dedicated to the disinterested pursuit of truth.

Jordan is a sometime wrestling coach from OSU where he asserted a preternatural unawareness of the sexual abuse going on all around him. Mark Meadows, the one who brought the black manikin to the Cohen hearing, has been himself the object of a House investigation. In 2018 he was fined a substantial amount by the House Committee on Ethics in a case that began with reports of his Chief-of-Staff’s “inappropriate behavior” with female employees. Of course, Rep. Meadows, like Rep. Jordan, was himself wholly unaware of his Chief-of-Staff’s notorious behavior. But now, these are watchful men who notice everything and know how to sniff out deceit.