29 IX 2019: Trumpite Banner-bearers

We heard today a chorus of Trumpite heavy-hitters. Rudy Giuliani is getting worse, and we’ve heard from Steven (Xyklon-B) Miller, and from that Judas of good government, Lindsay Graham, all labeling Trump’s all who tell the truth about Trump as terrorists, spies, moles, 5th-columnists, and meanies generally. At the same time, they and other Trumpite mouthpieces are trying to portray Donald Trump as the “Suffering Servant” of Isaiah.

I don’t know why the media cannot give us a break from Rudy Giuliani. He’s a cute little guy, and time was when you never knew what he was going to say next, but now he’s become repetitious and the new dodges he comes up with are sillier and sillier. Can’t we leave him alone until he’s called as a witness?

Steven Miller, unelected but official, usually limits himself to callous remarks about poor people. But his Principal Patron and Enabler is on the line now, and so, clad in his usual rental tux of assumed superiority he is attacking the spies, traitors, Hassidim, desperados, sorcerers, Decembrists, et al., who are ganging up on his Leader. Mr. Miller should stick to what he knows, rallying the mob against the immigrants.

I want the same treatment for Lindsay Graham as for Giuliani. Can’t we just let him talk to himself for a while? We know perfectly well what he is going to say, and it makes me, for one, nauseous to see how low a man I once thought maybe a statesman has sunk.