15 IV 2020: Trump can’t wait, nor can Hollingsworth

Well now I see that our King, Donald I Mendax, no longer content with throwing his signature tantrums at briefings, is insisting that his name appear on the welfare checks we are all to receive. It is said that he is not a slave to presidential traditions, and here is another instance of this behavior. Other presidents have been content to wait until they are dead to have their names and images appear on U.S. currency. Trump can’t wait until he is actually dead, but wants his name on the checks, as if to say: “A gift to you from King Trump.”

I read that a trump-cult congressman from (wouldn’t you know it?) Indiana, Trey Hollingsworth, asserts that we must sacrifice Americans’ lives in order to preserve “our way of life as Americans,” by which I suppose he means the economy and all that it enables and represents. I always shiver when reactionaries invoke “the American way of life,” for the expression is as meaningless as giving the flag a good wave. If they were to say what they really mean by the American Way of Life, their hypocrisy and ruthlessness would at once be revealed. Mr. Hollingsworth fits right in here, for to preserve “our” way of life, Americans have been killing other Americans for 300 years.