22 VIII 2021: From Afghanistan to Trumpistan

It is difficult to get any real news about what’s actually happening in Afghanistan. The news outlets seem interested mainly in evaluating daily the popularity of our President at home, and of our country on the world stage.

But we are learning a few things: People are now acknowledging the fact that in Afghanistan, as in many other of our misadventures abroad, we’ve been backing the wrong team, i.e., we’ve been trying keep afloat a regime that was addicted to its own corruption and, predictably enough, lacked the support of citizens and soldiers alike. One has to wonder: HAVEN’T WE KNOWN THIS FOR DECADES?

We are also learning of the difficult in admitting imperiled Afghanis. Huge delays and “you can’t get there from here” situations have been created by the sabotage of the immigration apparatus during the Trump regime directed by that dirty little sneak Stephen Miller. Miller should be dropped in Afghanistan without papers, without money without a cell phone, and without the backing of right-wing xenophobes.