21 X 2020: Militias, really?

I’ve been thinking about the people that plotted the kidnapping of Governor Whitmer of Michigan. There have been “militias” in Michigan and other states for many years. We see photos of them from time to time doing training exercises or strutting around fully armed in city centers.

We have put up with this menace too long! America has outlawed organized crime and we should also outlaw armed gangs of rebels-in-waiting who have declared their intention to attack the government. 

I put militia in quotation marks above because these gangs of thugs and poseurs do not at all deserve the title of militia, certainly not in the sense of the “well regulated militia” that the Second Amendment envisioned. They are not unlike the worst biker gangs. The biker gangs wear virtual uniforms (leather jackets and pants, etc.) and are always ready for a fight. Members of these let’s-play-war groups also wear virtual uniforms (so-called “tactical” clothing and gear), and have a permanent chip on their shoulders. The main difference between the two groups is that the bikers make a fetish of motor-bikes and these “play soldiers” make a fetish of automatic weapons.