5 V 2020: Miscellany

Cinco de Mayo: May God bless the people of Mexico everywhere, and protect them from the ruthlessness and brutality of the United States.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee: The Trumpists are grasping at straws to counter criticism of the President stupidities by blaming China. Recently, they are citing what seem to be reliable reports that the Chinese kept secret the virulence and extent of COVID-19 so they could amass all the medical supplies they thought they would need. So they left us in the dark while they tried to provide for their own citizens. 

1) I seem to recall that American intelligence provided early notice of the corona virus, notice that Trump chose to ignore. 

2) I want to ask: Wouldn’t the United States of Trump have done much the same thing?

3) If our President and his cultists can bellow and re-bellow “America First,” cannot 1,439,323,776 Chinese shout “China First.”