16 X 2018: Angry Mob

Following the pseudo-President’s lead, Republicans and other reactionaries are now calling recent protesters “an angry, left-wing mob.” This is the new Trumpo-republican party line. Republican senators are being praised, and are praising themselves, as stalwarts who stood steady against mob violence and were unwavering in their support of Beer Keg Brett.

I would invite all whom the Republicans are attempting to frighten with talk of a “left-wing mob” to view some footage of the mobs at Trump’s “rallies” and then to view the portrayal in Triumph of the Will of the Nazi rally in Nuremberg in 1934.

What have Nuremberg Nazis in common with the Red Hats at a trump rally? Look and you will see.

We are not yet as advanced as the Nazis. The Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and firearm fanatics have not yet coalesced into anything so organized as Hitler’s SA. And ICE has not yet been turned into a new SS. But give Trump time.