11 IX 2022: Make America Ours Again, again

MAOA is a large conglomerate of chronically angry people who find support and excitement in their shared anger. These are not just angry old men, like Alito and Thomas, but angry young regressionists, male and female, all of whom feel dissed and menaced because many, or even most of their fellow citizens no longer agree with them. They are trying to move America into conformity with an idealized past, a past that, of course, never was. We are familiar with the revivalism of religious extremists, Jewish, Muslim, and Christian, and their passionate devotion to their own literal, but distinctly self-serving understanding of their sacred books. American regressionism is similarly a revivalism, but of political extremists, who are also passionately devoted to their own literal and self-serving understanding of their sacred book, the Constitution.