6 V 2018: Misc.

1) I read that Trump plans to appoint Dr. Oz to the Presidential Council on Sport, Fitness, and Nutrition. Dr. Oz will be a perfect fit in the Presidents circle of friends. The Trump crew prefers its own pseudo-science to any authentic science, and Dr. Oz is one of the principal purveyors of pseudo-science in America today. Some have called Dr. Oz’s credentials and ethics into question, but most members of Trump’s “Evangelical Advisory Board,” mega-churchers, TV spielers, preachers of the gospel of prosperity, gay-baiters, seem to be short on credentials and ethics also. Dr. Oz is a creature of the bogus world of television and that gives him a lot in common with the retired reality-show host, Donald Trump.

2) The NRA did not forbid its members to “carry” at the national convention, but at least one of the convention venues forbade firearms. I saw a cartoon portrayal of this: a group of NRA members with their AK47s standing in front of a building bearing a sign “No Guns.” The way the excluded NRAers stood there cradling their weapons made me think of little children who have just been told they cannot bring their favorite toys to a party.

3) President Trump addressed the NRA convention. Satan addressing the other fallen angels had not so great a rapport with his audience as did Trump at the NRA.