25 II 2022: Confluence of sewers in Orlando

I see that the OPAC meeting of aspirational oligarchs in Orlando will be featuring Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Ron De Santis. 

Cruz belongs in the Guiness Book of Records as the only man in the world whom absolutely no one is able to like. Hawley, the morbidly ambitious “country boy,” is so historically naive that he raised his fist to give a traditionally communist and anarchist salute to the Trump Militia on Jan 6. De Santis is more dangerous than dumb, because he doesn’t know how dumb he is. And a number of former MAGAs who are now Make Russia Great Again zealots will gather around the Defeated Donald, their “once and future king.”

This “unite the right” assembly will be a confluence of the sewers of American politics. Their combined gas will blow sewer lids to the sky.