14 XII 2019: Against the will of the people

A standard Republican complaint about the impeachment effort is that the Democrats are trying to undo the 2016 election and going against the will of the American people. But I seem to recall that one third of the American people did not vote, and that Trump received a minority of the votes of those who did. There was not much real interest in removing Trump from office when he was elected, but we have gotten to know him in the last three years, and despise him. But impeach him? A hard road to travel. People seem unsure that innate dishonesty, narcissism, buffoonery, sexism, racism, and contempt for the Constitution are legal grounds for impeachment. And of course all the Republicans and the Trump BaSe are remaining “loyal” to their impeccable leader. However, I wish I could ask all the Republicans in Congress and all the Trumpites around the country if they would leave one of their daughters alone with Trump or would give him their savings to invest.