30 IIII 2022: Report of a Trump Rant. Boebert a whisper of reason?

Have a look at CNN today for a couple of reports of Trump’s psychotic fits at the time of the Black Lives Matter riots. We laugh at the Hitler Rants parodies on youtube. Are we one day going to see Trump Rants as well? 

We are so LUCKY that Trump’s insanity did not do more damage to our country. And how much damage is his mental illness continuing to cause through the Republican Party and the MAGA-nuts around the country? These people are like a family whose father routinely gets drunk and savages everyone but are unable to admit to themselves and to others how much of an absolute menace he is.

Then there’s a story originating in Politico, but now appearing passim, about a violent clash at the last “Freedom Caucus” meeting between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert about Greene’s gig at a White Supremacist rally. Greene is claiming she did not know that the organizer of the rally, an old buddy of hers, is a white supremacist. I’m really surprised Marjorie actually remembers having spoken at the rally. I wonder. Is Lauren upset because Marjorie upstaged her by showing up at a more extremist rally, or is she genuinely concerned about the damage Marjorie’s consorting with semi-criminals might cause to the right wing of the GOP.