11 V 2022: No more pills?

Today’s Huffpost reports that some of the more dim and ambitious Republicans are talking about using their illegally obtained control of the Supreme Court to eliminate the Federal guarantee of access to contraceptives established by Griswold v. Connecticut of 1965. Amanda Terkel observes in today’s article: “ … if Republicans get what they want ― an overturning of Griswold ― it would kick the issue back to the states and open the door to restrictions or bans on birth control methods, because there would be no federal guarantee of access.”

White male reactionaries and the demagogues that pander to them have a long tradition of preference for wanting to keep issues like slavery, female suffrage, evolution, school segregation, etc. down at the state level where they cannot be compelled by federal law to do what is right. 

I don’t know what could prevent this overturn. It might be necessary to reduce the number of Catholics on the Supreme Court, for Catholics in the male-supremacy museum that gave us the Court’s current College of Cardinals still maintain that birth control is contrary to divine law, natural law, and, if they could have their way, contrary to state law. But how could the number of Cardinals on the Court be reduced? It would require mobilization of all who are disgusted by the growing power of the reactionary oligarchy to create the political energy to impeach Clarence Thomas for unethical behavior, and Samuel A. Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil M. Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett for lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee.