22 V 2018: Must speak the Trump’s English; “Is that going to be on the quiz?”

I read that two U.S. citizens were detained for about 40 minutes by a border guard who became suspicious of them because they were speaking Spanish in Montana. I do not like to think how long the border guards might detain citizens whom they hear speaking any language that sound like Arabic. Indeed, eventually anyone who does not speak ungrammatical English using a Trumpesque lexicon will be viewed as a threat to homeland security.

I also read that Trump’s shysters are trying to find out what questions the Special Prosecutor might ask Deceitful Donald and to limit the range of these questions. This reminds me of students who, as the date of a scheduled quiz approaches, keep asking the teacher “Is that going to be on the quiz?” I always answered this question by saying “Yes,” no matter what the topic, and I hope Mr. Mueller will do the same thing.