19 IV 2019: Mueller Report and Trump talk

The partial publication of the Mueller Report fails, I think, to settle much of anything. Of course, the Trump crowd will continue to tell lies – oops, will continue to speak in the “heat of the moment.” Trump will continue to try to rule by impulsive diktat. His critics will nurse  their impotent anger and the Republicans in Congress will continue to play “Let’s make believe that Trump is not a monster.”

I may have been unduly influenced by all the talk of conspiracies and intrigues, but I cannot keep from wondering, at least momentarily, if anyone at all really meant for the Report to settle anything. The Report will very likely end up as more wet paper thrown onto the garbage fire that is American political life.

I was impressed by Trump’s answers to the Special Counsel’s questions. These answers show either that his use of English is not limited to the verbal grunts of his public speaking or that with enough money you can hire lawyers to write English for you. I was also struck by Trump’s fierce indignation at any who told the truth about him expressed in terms “spying” and “treason.” We will hear more of spying and treason as time goes on.