15 VIII 2022: Awash with unconditional love

Trumpworld is awash in unconditional love. Makes no difference what Donny does, we love him just the same! The font of this unconditional love seems to be Trump’s love for himself. Self-satisfied is too limp a term to describe Donald. He has a love of self so obsessive that it denies existence to anything that might trouble another, less focused person.  The rest of Trumpworld may not be so adept at manipulating reality, but their love is ready to ignore his imperfections, and the elite are quick to attack anyone who points them out. Indeed, truculent assertion of Trump’s impeccability is the mark of Trumpworld’s virtuosos.

Trump shows unconditional love for his followers in his perennial refusal to criticize any of them for anything, however loony or criminal, and especially in his moving declaration to the insurrectionists of Jan 6th, “we love you, you’re very special.” 

In short, Trump is infatuated with himself, and infatuated with any who are infatuated with him. This love is religious in its intensity.