4 X 2020: Patriotism vs. Boosterism

As the election approaches we see more and more of red, white, and blue, hear more and more talk about loving (or not loving) the United States of America, and we are supposed to be impressed by flag-waving righteous indignation. And yet, now especially, but also at any time, abuse of our flag is routine. No, I don’t mean the silly flag-burners, but the citizens (and Chinese manufacturers) who seem to put the red, white, and blue on everything except toilet paper. 

Are folks exhibiting their patriotism in this way? They are not. They are claiming membership in a fan base. This is a phenomenon not of patriotism, but of boosterism or a kind of team spirit, e.g., like showing and wearing the University Notre Dame’s colors and logo. (These, by the by, are closely guarded by copyright so that the myriad tchotchkes and garments sold to fans will swell the University’s revenue.) On football weekends N.D. fans mob the University Store and carry out large shopping bags filled with Notre Dame stuff for themselves and the folks at home.

I do not know of any occasion or place from which people stream out carrying bagfulls of American flags, tchotchkes adorned with the flag, and clothing of red/white/blue plus stars for every part of the body. But just search online under red, white, blue caps, T-shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, pants, swim trunks, swimsuits, and red, white and blue bikinis, snowsuits for babies, and red, white, and blue shoes. And, of course, American flags of every size, shape, and material are available in quantity from numerous vendors online or at home. 

Then have a look at the respect and care with which real patriots are expected to regard and handle the flag as described in U.S. Code, Title Four, § 8.Respect for flag (online at www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8). Real patriotism, love of country, requires observance of these regulation and rejects the exploitation and vulgarization of our national emblem.

The words patriotpatrioticpatriotism are misused in the United States to camouflage nationalism, jingoism, male chauvinism, white supremacy, xenophobia, self-justification. Our ad-man President routinely abuses these terms, as do most right-wing parties and organizations. It is time to take the flag back from the hucksters and to take patriotism back from the anti-social and the reactionaries.