3 XII 2019: Why $38 billion worth of “military assistance” for Israel??

Senator Rand Paul has provoked a bi-partisan ruckus by stalling a bill that would authorize a giveaway to the State of Israel amounting to $38 billion worth of military assistance over the next ten years. The ruckus has seeped out of the Senate into the wider world and so we find a group named Christians United for Israel spending some $100,000 on a media assault on Senator Paul.

I suppose these Christians are of the sort that believe that they can force God’s hand to speed up the Second Coming through their support of the rogue state of Israel. But why should a secular democracy like ours throw money at one of the most discredited nations? The Israelis are our allies! No, they are not. They are sometime clients of ours who have shown complete disregard for international law and common decency. So now our allies in the East are the Saudis, who murder people at will, and Israel, whose treatment of the Palestinians is no better than European treatment of the indigenous peoples of the New World.