24 III 2022: Smell of senate grease paint

I’ve read in a poorly written report about the Senate hearings on the appointment of Judge Jackson to the Supreme Court the following: “Cruz at one point held up the book in question as a kind of vulgar prop (while sitting in front of an enlarged reproduction of one of its pages) — essentially ending the GOP’s promise that Jackson’s confirmation hearings would not devolve into some kind of circus.”

I’ve several comments.

1) Using the term “vulgar” apropos of Ted Cruz is redundant.

2) The expression “GOP’s promise” is a contradiction in terms.

3) That the hearings “would not devolve into some kind of circus” was an impossibility, because the suppurating ambition of Cotton, Cruz, and Hawley, and the presence of Graham, “la Pasionaria” of the GOP, made it inevitable that the hearings would become a four-ring circus.