21 III 2022: Republican world of anti-truth

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have begun their assaults on Ketanju Brown Jackson. Judge Jackson seems to be remarkably popular, approved by left, center, and right in the judicial world. But she is Biden’s nominee, so Republicans attack her compulsively. Word is, they’re going to try to portray her as “soft on crime.” The Republicans know about this sort of thing, for they gave new meaning to “soft on crime” by their support for our archcriminal ex-president. 

Missouri’s motor-mouth junior Senator started bad-mouthing Judge Jackson, encouraged by the oily Lindsey Graham. I’ve said before that Hawley ought to think before he speaks, but Sen. Graham is the last person to go to for clear thinking. Hawley started throwing around lies about Judge Jackson’s record and was immediately shut down by, of course, fact-checkers.

Speaking of Missouri, our disgraced ex-governor Eric Greitens decided that he was not disgraced so much that he could not enter our senate race as a Republican candidate. He was probably right about that, for Republicans, especially Missouri Republicans, are accustomed to living with a lot of disgrace. But now his ex-wife has alleged in legal documents that he abused her and their children. Even Republicans are wary of this, so there have been lots of invitations for Mr. Greitens to drop out of the race lest a Democrat win the senate seat. But from the asylum of Steve Bannon’s “War Room” program, Greitens claims that his ex-wife was in a conspiracy with RINO Republicans to smear him. The show goes on.