16 X 2023: How do you stop a motor-mouth?

Politico reports the so-called gag-order that Judge Chutkan has imposed on the traitor Donald Trump. My only complaint is that the gag-order is not more comprehensive.

John Lauro, Trump’s lawyer and second self, acted out, pleaded: “What does somebody do in the face of oppression in a system that now approaches totalitarianism … ?” Of course, it is approaching totalitarianism in large part due to Donald Trump.

Politico also reports “Today really isn’t about gagging me. … It’s an attempt to gag the American people,” Trump wrote, before asking for “a contribution of any amount.”

So Trump is a suffering stand-in for the entire American people, and has been reduced to the point of having to beg for money. I guess the fees he is supposed to pay his vast team of lawyers is swallowing up the money he has stolen over the years.

But just wait and see how little effect the gag-order has. Trump has zero self-restraint and myriad grievances, so he will be driven to keep talking, and when he starts talking, no one, including Trump himself, knows what is going to come out.