22 VII 2021: Why should we endure them? Why should we pay them?

I have seen more than enough this week of Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and of Congressman Jim Jordan. They seem to have an urgent need for attention almost as great as the perennial boy D. Trump. They are lacking in self-control and so cannot comply with the demands of decency and even the rules of congressional procedure. 

I’m sorry that Jim Jordan is still a jock, sorry that Rand Paul was taught no manners, and sorry that no one at all likes or admires Ted Cruz. But they should have dealt with their problems before they entered public office, for now they’re turning the Congress into a poorly behaved therapy group. They are wasting the time of their colleagues and the money of the American people. Well, the sleaze tends to rise to the top, and though their gaucheries might be tolerable. But their immature posturing, obstructionism, and lack of anger control is more than we should have to endure or to pay for.