20 VII 2020: Trump, the torturer John Yoo, and the return of Nazi rule

It has come out that Trump has been consulting John Yoo, the greatest disgrace to the legal profession in the United States. Why was he not disbarred because of his facilitation of torture in the last Bush administration? Why was he allowed to continue teaching law? He should have sought work with ISIS and others who love torture. But Yoo is probably on his way to becoming Trump’s “Roy Cohn.”

There is also a rumor that Trump is looking into ruling the country by decree. Of course that was the power given to Hitler after the Reichstag fire. That was his real start, and of course, he never gave up ruling by decree until he shot himself in his Bunker. And they say that Trump is unlikely to accept his defeat in the coming election, so I suppose he’ll want to go on ruling by decrees from his Bunker.