28 IX 2019: Are most right-wingers gas-works? Or have I been listening to the wrong right-wingers?

I just watched a news clip of the testimony [sic] of Thomas Homan, who, when acting director of ICE, transformed the agency from a brown-shirt squad into black-shirt police. Mr. Homan testified before the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship that ICE detention facilities “have the highest standards in the industry” and are “the best facilities in the world.” But when his allotted time for speaking ran out, he kept on motor-mouthing, ignored the Chair’s call to order, and became abusive when she insisted that he stop.

Now, Mr. Homan was probably right in testifying that our gulags are superior to those run by other regimes. But he had to keep talking, had to force his way through his “talking-points.” This is, in my experience, behavior typical of right-wingers on-the-air. Kelleyanne Conway is the best example, but this can be observed in other reactionaries as well, especially low-seniority members of Congress and Trumpites generally. They force their way through their assigned talking-points, each of which says virtually the same thing, and they keep on talking faster and faster to prevent, I guess, any question or examination of what they are saying.

Finally, as one would expect, Fox News [sic] trotted out a lawman, Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, to defend Mr. Homan and denounce congressional mistreatment of testifying lawmen. He did an impressive job considering that he had a limited amount of time to learn his lines.