7 VI 2020: Trump’s cowardice spreading

So Trump has various officers of the law hiding their identification as they try to do his dominating. He is making cowards of all of them. “I don’t plan to commit a crime, but if I do, I’ll do it anonymously.” This is just what I would expect from our craven President and his spineless lawyer.

And I read that Trumpist officials, in another attempt to take the “big lie” approach, have been claiming that there is no systemic racism in the American police system. Who the hell is going to believe this?? Well they’ve learned to lie like their Leader. Any honest cop could, I’m sure, identify the racists among her colleagues. 

We are not going to get the kind of police we need if we continue to pay the police so little and give them so little respect. The police are, in my view, more important that the courts, because it is by the police that the law is initially administered. Good, sound police are more important to our democracy than the military.