3 V 2023: Demagogues must boost dosage

The recent behavior of GOP legislators and demagogues shows the similarity between drug pushing and demagoguery. You cannot simply stir up the masses and walk away, if you want the loyalty of the masses you must feed their craving. 

The audience of demagogues are addicts. An addict cannot remain content with simple access to whatever is the focus of her/his addiction, for the craving is such that to remain sated it must keep enlarging its intake of what it craves. Consider the level of violence in American media. Violence creates a craving that demands a steady increase by being given larger and larger doses of what it wants. Those who have been termed “vendetta-crats” gain political power by stoking popular outrage, real or artificial, and outdoing each other in their frenzied dedication to revenge and the extent of the revenge demanded. 

So too demagogues, at the national and local levels. Once they have aroused the public against, e.g., abortion, transsexuals, crypto-communists, Jews, blacks, homosexuals, books they don’t like, foreigners, native Americans, et al, they have to be more absolutely anti-abortion, readier to persecute demonized trans-sexuals, and must steadily enlarge the menace they claim is posed by targeted minorities or the exercise of freedoms.

This is what we observe in demagogues left and right who, though their behavior is almost identical, can agree only in their common avoidance of truth.