4 VI 2021: Trump with Hitler in Argentina?

I heard some speculation online that if Trump is forced to stand trial he will flee the country. (I really don’t care why he leaves, so long as he leaves.)

The thought of Trump in exile made me wonder how the “base” would handle it. And I immediately thought of those die-hard Nazis that maintained that Hitler had escaped the Bunker and was living in Argentina, planning his return to power. Some such fantasy would work very well for the die-hard Trumpies. A large number of them are crazy already so lunacy like this would find a ready audience. And there will be the phone calls from Trump, with “experts” trying to figure out if it is really his voice. And, I imagine, there will be Trump sightings, some even supported by blurry photographs. And it will become a religious test for Trumpies to insist that Donald is down there in Argentina with Adolph planning their returns.