16 VI 2022: Misc. complaints: Republican trash in House of Representatives, political abuse of women, contagious mendacity.

Headline from today’s CNN site: House Republicans plot investigative revenge on January 6 panel as Trump itches for payback.

The fact that trash like the so-called Freedom Caucus can be elected to high office causes me to doubt the viability of democracy, at least in the United States. The past ten years have shown us that universal suffrage cannot work here. Democracy depends on voters, and on a particular kind of voter, sc., one who is thoughtful, dispassionate, and informed. Half of America’s voting population plainly fail to measure up to this standard.

The efforts of the minority Anti-female (a.k.a. Right to Life) Movement to impose their preferences on the majority has not abated. Republican state legislators vie with one another to think up new forms of abuse of women. These legislators, usually from one of our slave states, remind me of students stoked up on “school spirit.” No one can have too much school spirit, and anyone thought to be wanting in school spirit is a pariah. So there is no limit to pep-rally posturing, declarations of esteem for “the team” and hatred for its opponents, no limit to the foolish, wasteful paraphernalia that fans are expected to purchase. So too, no one can be too anti-abortion, too anti-women. Excesses in this area are rewarded in Republican states.

Now we learn that even the Secret Service has been destroying evidence relevant to the Insurrection. Trump’s dishonesty is like an aggressive infection that has spread itself to anyone associated with Trump, from aides to the entire Republican Party. To them applies the phrase from Scripture: “Every man is a liar!”