21 VIII 2020: Boycott Trump?

I read that people from Trump’s seraglio are trying to get special privileges for Trump at Twitter, the argument being that his Twitter account is unlike those of other Americans because he uses Twitter as President to communicate with the American people. What about those of us who do not have a Twitter account? We’re missing out on these presidential messages.

I wrote to the U.S. Archives and then to the White House in an effort to find out whether Trump’s tweeties are considered state documents and, if so, whether they will be preserved in the Archives in the form in which they were first sent or they would be edited to remove misspellings, bad grammar, obvious stupidities, and lies. I received in reply a lot of run-around and “that’s not our department.” 

And now his tweeties are going from offensive to revolting. So I have a proposal. A recent essay made the point that Trump’s call for a boycott of Goodyear, though a bizarre thing for a president to do, is habitual for Trump, part of his lifelong standard operating procedure. So I want to suggest that we all boycott Trump’s tweeties, that is, just don’t read them and ignore the media reports about them. If we continue to read them, we are colluding with a madman and exposing ourselves to a lot of intellectual and ethical obscenity. Of course, the media will continue reporting his tweeties because the media love atrocity stories — reporting Trump’s atrocities is easier than finding out the real news. But in doing this they are playing right into the hands of a blowhard whose working assumption is “There’s no such thing as bad publicity!” So let’s see if we can get a movement going against his free publicity.