10 IIII 2022: CNN headlines, with commentary

2 people are dead and 10 hospitalized after Iowa nightclub shooting

An overnight shooting in a residential part of Elgin, Illinois, has left six people injured

Hardly a weekend goes by without an overnight mass shooting. 

brought to you by our “gun rights.”

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affeck are engaged again 

How many really care about this hyped soap opera?

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich flips endorsement in House race — and then flips it back.

JLo and Ben are not the only flippers. Newt, still somehow running on the fumes from his speakership that ended thirty-five ago, has flipped to align his choice with Donald Trump’s. Two statesmen agree.

Abortion access under renewed threat in Oklahoma and Missouri

These two state legislatures lead the race in all around stupidity, but there are others striving to catch up.

State Department unable to provide a full account of foreign gifts given to Trump and officials

This is not news, but a confirmation of what was long assumed.