1 X 2019: Funny and frightening

Secretary of State M. Pompeo, who we now know was in on the attempt to squeeze Ukraine, won’t let officials from State cooperate with Congress for he will not tolerate his dedicated professionals being interrogated, bullied, etc. Does this mean the Trump-line has changed and is now calling for respect instead of contempt for State Dept. professionals?

An omen?Mitch McConnell says the Senate would have no choice to take up an impeachment of Trump. No choice? Look at how the nomination of Merrick Garland was treated. But I do wonder if, at the end of months of defending Trump they are going, of necessity, of course, throw Trump overboard?

Trump as 3rd World Dictator: CNN presented a very good interview of Lt. Col. Ralph Richards, its two main points: 1) Trump’s throwing out the threat of civil war in a tweet amounts to sedition. 2) Trump is like a 3rd World who must stay in office to avoid inevitable prosecution. Sedition? I think so. He has before this warned of terrible strife if he is not re-elected. I wouldn’t be surprised if the hardcore Trumpites would rise up in arms to keep their Love and Inspiration in office.

Trump’s deal with N.R.A.: It’s reported that Trump and Wayne LaPierre put their heads together at the White House. It is said that they struck a deal that if Trump would back away from gun-control, the N.R.A. would do something for Trump. N.R.A. is now vociferously denying that there was any deal, so the report of a deal is probably true. But I am left wondering what more N.R.A. could do for Trump. Maybe helping with the civil war.

Defenders of Donald Trump remind me of the scene in The Blues Brothers in which Joliet Jake has to make up lame excuses as fast as he can.