9 I 2021: Question and suggestion

Is Rudy Giulliani, Trump’s spieler, still out of jail?

Senator Hawley is unrepentant for the melodrama he staged. He says he “will never apologize for giving voice to the millions of Missourians and Americans who have concerns about the integrity of our elections.” Oh my!

1)   “Integrity of our elections” is, of course, crucial to our democracy, so all Americans share concerns about the integrity of our elections, but that’s not what Hawley is talking about.

2)   He’s giving voice to the disappointed and delusional people who are echoing Trump’s claim of a stolen election. This claim has been echoed also by some cynical politicians who know very well that Trump’s claim is false. Has Hawley ever said that these people, politicians, and President Trump are absolutely wrong?

3)   “Giving voice,” as if we have not been hearing “rigged election” bullshit since even before Trump lost the election.

Hawley should shove his fist where it can’t be seen.