30 XI 2023: A little bit of Ireland??

Here, from an article on Huffpost, are the words of Ireland’s Prime Minister, Mr. Leo Varadkar, about the “demonstrators” who lately went on an arson-cum-robbery-cum-terror spree in Dublin:  “These criminals did not do what they did because they love Ireland, they did not do what they did because they wanted to protect Irish people, they did not do it out of any sense of patriotism, however warped,” Varadkar told reporters on Friday morning. “They did so because they’re filled with hate, they love violence, they love chaos and they love causing pain to others.”

His description reminds me of many of the people who were participating in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on 6 January. Reminds me too of the people who are now conducting their own anti-Jewish, anti-Palestinian, anti-civilization demonstrations.

In another time and place, these sorts would be common football hooligans or college-sports enthusiasts who trash the town whether their team wins or loses. These are mindless, destruction-prone, attention-seekers who feel a sense of belonging only among similar misfits. Wherever two or three of these are gathered together, they will in no time identify an object for their hatred and go ahead and attack and riot. What the object may be is of no real importance. What matters is the opportunity for trashing people and cultural environment in company with fellow hoodlums.